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Good: Dark Void Composer Trailer

By: Greg Daro
This trailer was worth a mention because I feel music is a very important feature in a games arsenal, if you think about it music has always played a huge role in all video games. Do you think Sonic The Hedgehog would really feel right without the music? Hows about Super Mario? Rhetorical question the answer is NO! Nowadays video games are so mainstream the have full orchestras composing their soundtracks and they really take the household experience of a video game and bring out the emotion and excitement to make it feel more like an epic scale movie. The composer seems like he has a really good head on his shoulders, he plays games himself so he knows what hes doing, also he composes the score for Battlestar Galactica so hes very experienced in the Sci-fi genre. There are also some really great Dark Void clips in the trailer and the game looks better every time I see it.


Scott Kostolni said...

Bear McCreary rocks. I'll buy the game just cause he's scoring it. Well..mebbe i'll download it.


Kieran Kirk said...

BSG's music is great so this game will definitely have some pretty epic scores.

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