The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Ugly: Gears Of War 2 Map Pack Pricing

Most people were pretty excited last night about the announcement of the Combustible Map Pack for Gears of War 2. Three new maps less than two months after the game came out. What could be bad about that right? Answer: everything. I'm not complaining that we're getting maps. I love when developers reward their fans for their purchase. My problem is this, they cost 800 Microsoft points or in real people money ten dollars. TEN FUCKING DOLLARS. For three maps. Really guys? They could have just thrown in the original maps that aren't in Gears 2 and I would've been fine with it. Believe me I was all for Epic doing the five "free" maps for purchasing a new copy of the game instead of a used one from Gamestop. This though is where I draw the line and just say "What the fuck?"


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