The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

Ugly: Wired's Most Disappointing Games of 2008

So Wired has put up a list of their most disappointing games of 2008 and I think it's safe to say they haven't played a single one of the games. Dead Space came in at 5 followed by Prince of Persia at number 4 on this joke of a list. You know what apparently wasn't as disappointing as those two games that were both critically praised? Too Human. Yes Too Human, a game that had been in development for 10 years, already had been planned as a trilogy, and caused many of the developing staff to be fired after its terrible performance both critically and financially is a better game than either one of those.

The list goes as follows:

10)Age of Conan(Lets female avatars have tits almost the size of the guys playing them)
9) EndWar (Are you really telling me you expected something of this game)
8)Too Human ( AKA The Most Disappointing Game of 2008)
7) Stalker: Clear Sky (Was anyone looking forward to this?)
6)Mirror's Edge (Only 6?)
5)Dead Space ( Were you expecting the game to give you a blow job as you played?)
4)Prince of Persia (IGN Score= 9.3)
3)Mario Kart Wii (Are you really hating on Mario Kart?)
2)Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Still better than the holiday special)
1)Spore(The game that hundreds of thousands of people illegally downloaded?)


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