The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

Good: Pure Pwnage Television Series

By: Kenny Mahoney

So here's a story that's definitely worth me breaking my 2 months of silence on this blog.
The folks over at Pure Pwnage have gone through a lot of tough times lately, after losing cast member Troy Dixon in a car accident and director Geoff LaPaire's decision to leave the show, things start to be looking up for the ROLFMAO crew.
As the above video states, the guys will be launching a new television series on Showcase in 2010.
According to the description from Showcase's Sideshow blog, the plot will center around Jeremy searching for a job in order to keep living in his mom's basement. His escapades include starting a rock band, becoming a video game tutor, and trying to socialize with his co-workers at the grocery store.
Unfortunatley, Showcase is a Canadian TV station, so I'm not sure if us Americans will be able to see the show on our televisions. However, after scanning through some of Jarrett Cale's (Jeremy's) tweets, it looks like the show will be broadcast online.
Can't wait for 2010! Continue Reading»

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