The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

Funny: It's A Short Par 3

By: Dave Dinowitz
Click the image for full size. Continue Reading»

Good: Modern Warfare 2 Full Trailer

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Good: inFAMOUS Launch Trailer

By: Dave Dinowitz

inFAMOUS drops this Tuesday May 26th. Continue Reading»

Good: Darksiders Commentary

By: Tom DeGeronimo Continue Reading»

Good: First Guitar Hero 5 Details

By: Dave Dinowitz
Activision released a bunch of details on the next entry in the GH franchise including forming bands using a different instruments, two new multiplayer game modes called “Party Player” and “Rockfest”. DLC from World Tour will be compatible with Guitar Hero 5. Along with gameplay changes a few tracks from the setlist were announced.

The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for the Devil
Bob Dylan – All Along The Watchtower
The White Stripes – Blue Orchid
Santana – No One To Depend On (LIVE)
Vampire Weekend – A-Punk
Tom Petty - Runnin Down a Dream
Johnny Cash – Ring of Fire
Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire

Bass players rejoice! Continue Reading»

Bad: New Tony Hawk Revealed

By: Dave Dinowitz
Oh boy. I'm going to say this isn't going to work here and now. Interesting theory, but theory is one fickle thing and I just cant see this being a good thing for the franchise. Continue Reading»

Funny: Zero Punctuation On Valkyria Chronicles

By: Dave Dinowitz Continue Reading»

Interesting: April 2009 NPD Numbers

PlayStation 2 172K
PlayStation 3 127K
PSP 116K
Xbox 360 175K
Wii 340K
Nintendo DS 1.04M





By: Dave Dinowitz Continue Reading»

Good: Splinter Cell: Conviction Teaser

By: Dave Dinowitz
Doesn't show much, other than Sam Fisher is somehow going to be called back into action. Hopefully we'll see a lot more at E3. Continue Reading»

Good: Mass Effect 2 Pre-E3 Teaser

By: Dave Dinowitz
Its been a while since the original teaser for Mass Effect 2 dropped. Bioware released this new teaser that shows whats in store for E3. All I can say is it looks awesome. New weapons, changes to the environment, improved combat system. I cant wait to see the full reveal come E3. Continue Reading»

Bad: When Reporting Goes Wrong

By: Kenny Mahoney

Let me preface this by saying that I personally love Kotaku. They're my homepage, and they're always on the ball when it comes to up-to-the-minute gaming news.

That said, it seems they've certainly just taken a shit all over their own reporting.

Kotaku recently wrote that Eidos had officially announced Thief 4, the long awaited sequel to the popular stealth series. Kotaku then proceeded to denounce publisher Eidos for not providing enough details about the game.

This all seems a bit strange, seeing as how Kotaku has posted not one, not two, not three, but a total of four stories about Thief 4 – and they even linked to an IGN article about it, too. Oh, and this was all done within the past month.

Why is it then, that Luke Plunkett sees fit to cry foul at Eidos for not giving enough information about the title, citing that there’s “nothing on its setting, no screenshots, nothing on its protagonists, nothing on a release window, nothing on the game's design, nothing on...well, anything.” Strange, considering that there must’ve been enough information for you to publish four separate stories on it?

This verbal bashing doesn’t seem to take into account what a lot of companies do when announcing games. Take a heavy-hitter like Blizzard for example, who frequently announce games without so much as a whimper about anything other than a big piece of title art that confirms nothing more than that someone might have thought about it (I’m looking at you, Diablo III). Developer Valve also has a nasty habit of not announcing release dates for games and letting details come out at a snail’s pace (where’s my HL2 Episode 3, huh?).

Plunkett closed his article by saying “Eidos: this is not how you announce a product”. Really, considering they’ve still somehow managed to get four fucking stories about it on your site alone, it seems that their announcement is going pretty well to me. Also, it’s not like Eidos Montreal general manager Stephane D'Astous simply ran out into a room and yelled “Thief 4!” at the top of his lungs before scurrying back under a rock. He offered perfectly good reasoning as to why nothing has been announced. “We're going to wait a couple of months to announce more” said D’Astous in regards to the title, “we don't know exactly the window of release and we don't know the first-party strategy”.

The bottom line is we know enough about it for right now. We know it’s being developed by Eidos Montreal, and we know it’s a Thief game. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be nice to know more about the title, but it’s better than getting no announcement at all. So, the moral of the story here is to get off your fucking high horse and not to bite the hand that feeds.

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Good: Beyond Good & Evil Leaked Footage

By: Greg Daro
Rumors say this is Beyond Good & Evil 2 footage, it looks like it, I honestly couldn't place it as Mirrors Edge 2 because of the art direction and it just seems a little too early for a squeal to be coming out already. Anyways to comment on the video I must say this chase scene is one of the best I've ever seen executed in a video game, the camera is all shaky like a Jason Bourne scene and shes pulling off some sick moves that actually make Mirrors Edge look bad. Although I must say I'm not entirely convinced this is actual gameplay, it just looks too much like CGI work to me. I guess well find out more on what game this actually is in due time, till then I'm impressed. Continue Reading»

Good: Fuel Trailer

By: Greg Daro
Codemasters post-apocalyptic open-world racer (mouth-full) is looking better every time I see it. The trailer shows a bunch of race options and different vehicles used in the game. This racing MMO is one of a kind for consoles and I hope the final product is good. Continue Reading»

Cool: Dragon Age: Origins Trailer

By: Greg Daro
This is by far the most badass trailer I've seen all year. Dragon Age: Origins is one of my sleeper picks for November 09. For an interview with the Lead Designer click the jump for some really interesting gameplay details.

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Funny: Mega64 on Console Exclusivity

By: Kenny Mahoney

Money. It's about the money. Continue Reading»

Good: Duke-Nukem Forever Gameplay

By: Greg Daro
Is Duke finally back to kick ass and chew bubble gum? Continue Reading»

Good: Transformers--Revenge Of The Fallen Game Trailer

By: Greg Daro
OK pretend that Revenge of The Fallen wasn't hitting the box office and this was just a regular game. Now watch the trailer...

OK you're done? Wouldn't you totally buy this!? Alright now go ahead and remember its a movie licensed game again...dammit. Continue Reading»

Funny: Zero Punctuation On Dark Athena

By: Dave Dinowitz
Assault on cool ranch doritos. Continue Reading»

Cool: The Beatles: Rock Band Guitars

By: Tom DeGeronimo
Here's the two guitars that will be included in the Special Edition of the new Beatles: Rock Band game. They are both the most often used guitars by John Lennon and George Harrison, the Rickenbacker 325 and Gretsch Duo Jet. They look pretty cool in my opinion and I'm sure I'll pick one of them up but this just makes me wonder, just how much is this game going to cost? Well, anyway keep checking the Official Beatles: Rock Band site to see any more instruments that are released. (Not that both are on there..) Continue Reading»

Good: Red Steel 2 Debut Trailer

By: Greg Daro
I know the first Red Steel was a huge let down to some, but this trailer looks great. Its apparent they went with a new art style, it seems they went with cel-shading this time around. Cel-shading is always a good idea on the Wii because graphics are one of the areas where the Wii certainly lacks and the cel-shaded environments look beautiful no matter what. However if they still haven't fixed the motion controls by making them a little more responsive this title will be a flop just like its predecessor. Continue Reading»

Good: Fight Night Round 4 Styles

By: Greg Daro
Which fighting style will you choose? Inside, Outside, Counter-Puncher, Unconventional, Brawler, Standard, or Classic? Take you're pick June 30th when Fight Night Round 4 comes out. Continue Reading»

Good: M.A.G Architecture Interview

By: Greg Daro
MAG is a Ps3 exclusive that it striving to create an online experience unlike any other. The folks at Zipper Interactive have made it so you can have 256 players fighting at once making for a full on war controlled by people, no AI. The idea sounds great but will the execution be successful? To see some gameplay click the jump.

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Funny: Top Ten Video Game Wussies

By: Greg Daro
Find out who the biggest P.A.B really is. Continue Reading»

Good: Turtles in Time Gameplay Video

By: Tom DeGeronimo
Here's an off screen video of the new Xbox Arcade 3D remake of the hit Turtles in Time. Pretty poor quality combined with an idiot at the controller makes for a poor demo of the gameplay but vets of the series will be able to see that the true Turtles awesomeness is in there. Pizza power! Continue Reading»

Bad: The Grudge Teaser

By: Greg Daro
This trailer has been getting some positive feedback on other websites, however it does not appeal to me at all. Don't get me wrong it looks like they are creating some terrifying scenarios for a horror game, but honestly he whole little Japanese ghost child that burps for a really long time will never be scary.

Maybe I am to quick to judge this one considering I haven't seen any combat but honestly how fun could it be to beat up a 6 year old who doesn't get enough sun? If you want to play a scary game test you're manhood and go buy Dead Space. Continue Reading»

Phenomenal: Turtles in Time Arcade Remake

By: Tom DeGeronimo
Big Apple 3:00AM. The classic arcade turtle game released way back in 92' is finally giving people another chance to smack around some foot soldiers. The classic side scroller has been remade with a nice new 3D look and even better then that, the same sound track! Being the huge TMNT fan that I've always been, I was a little upset when the original NES game was the only one to make it's way to the Xbox Arcade because to be honest, that one sucked. All we need to hear from this is 4-player online co-op and we might just have the next Castle Crashers on our hands. Turtles in Time is confirmed for release on the Xbox Arcade but might just make it's way over to the PSN and Wii's Virtual Console.

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Good: Batman: Arkham Asylum Beatdown Trailer

By: Tom DeGeronimo
It's looking pretty safe to say that Batman might finally get the video game respect that he should have always had. Well made trailers like this one really make a game look like its going to be a lot of fun regardless of whether or not it becomes one of the better games this year. Combat like this with Stealth abilities like that and a Collectors Edition with a Baterang is making this one look very promising for me. Continue Reading»

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