One rumored change was confirmed over the weekend however, concerning the ending of the book, which has been changed for the movie. While plenty of fan boys are going to bitch and moan about the change, honestly, the ending was really the only problem I had with the book. Without spoiling anything, it came out of left field and was a bit ridiculous. Dave Gibbons, co-creator of the graphic novel, has even come out in approval of the change and said it still stays true to the overall tone of the book.

Finally, The Watchmen has been announced to be coming to current generation consoles in the form of a prequel beat em up entitled Watchmen: The End Is Nigh . Early sources claimed that it would be coming to XBLA and PSN and would be a side scroller, early screens look way to good to just be a download. It's also been announced to be episodic in nature which further lends credence to the early XBLA, PSN rumor. While I am interested in playing as the lunatic Rorschach as he kills just about everyone, I fear once this reaches Alan Moore by carrier pigeon it will be the final straw that pushes him over the edge into Bond villiany. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you bring an article full circle.
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