By: Kenny Mahoney
So here's a story that's definitely worth me breaking my 2 months of silence on this blog.
The folks over at Pure Pwnage have gone through a lot of tough times lately, after losing cast member Troy Dixon in a car accident and director Geoff LaPaire's decision to leave the show, things start to be looking up for the ROLFMAO crew.
As the above video states, the guys will be launching a new television series on Showcase in 2010.
According to the description from Showcase's Sideshow blog, the plot will center around Jeremy searching for a job in order to keep living in his mom's basement. His escapades include starting a rock band, becoming a video game tutor, and trying to socialize with his co-workers at the grocery store.
Unfortunatley, Showcase is a Canadian TV station, so I'm not sure if us Americans will be able to see the show on our televisions. However, after scanning through some of Jarrett Cale's (Jeremy's) tweets, it looks like the show will be broadcast online.
Can't wait for 2010! Continue Reading»
By: Greg Daro
EWWWW Look at how horrible this game is. I was surprised when I saw the game wasn't coming out for Ps2 but rather Xbox 360 and Ps3, I mean the graphics are garbage and the gameplay looks like a terrible spin-off of Madworld or something... They should have just made a nice Deathklok Guitar Hero instead of this piece of dog shit. Continue Reading»
By: Greg Daro
Honestly WTF were they thinking in the 90's when they made this game...It is complete garbage but thankfully AVGN makes it into comedic gold. Continue Reading»
By:Kieran Kirk
While the game was a disappointment, this video is anything but. This guy jumps pools, does flips, skateboards, and wall runs all while holding the camera with one hand. Besides the lack of terrible combat and infuriating enemies, you'd think you were really in the game. Continue Reading»
By:Kieran Kirk
Above is what would happen if Michael Bay continued to make movies based on popular toy lines from the 80's. Behold the trailer for My Little Pony: Reign of Buttercup Sprinkles. Continue Reading»

By: Kieran Kirk
Most people that know me know I've got a man crush on Ryan Reynolds. I'm not afraid to admit it, he's the fucking man. And although I am obviously a Marvel fan boy, Green Lantern was one of the few DC characters I enjoyed. For those of you that don't know, the Green Lanterns are a galaxy wide peace keeping force that use their rings which are powered by their willpower and courage to battle evil. So one would expect that you put these two together and it would be a match made in heaven right? Wrong.
Hit the jump for why this is a huge mistake.
There are so many reasons why I thought this was terrible news but lets start at the beginning. First is the fact that this will probably stall if not destroy the chances of a Deadpool movie from being made. DC and Marvel probably don't want one of their major franchise's actors making movies for their competitor so this might kill the Deadpool movie in its tracks. At the same time I don't think a person who talked about getting the movie made so adamantly would drop it so easily so this one is still up in the air.
The biggest problem with all of this though is that honestly, as much as I like Reynolds, he just doesn't feel like Green Lantern to me. I don't imagine him as being a wise ass pretty boy. I see him as a stoic and powerful, square jawed warrior with a deep and commanding voice. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way but hey maybe they can surprise me. Honestly though, they should just hire Nathan Fillion and do a longer version of this fan made trailer.
By: Kieran Kirk
Everyone knows the girl at the video game store. Now there's a perfect song which captures most gamers feelings on the abnormality that is a hot girl that enjoys gaming. The song is by Parry Gripp, the lead singer of the excellent nerd rock band Nerf Herder and the always gorgeous Olivia Munn plays the titular character. Continue Reading»

The gloves are off in the war between Dana White, the president of the UFC, and EA Sports over their new MMA game, ingeniously titled, MMA. White's anger doesn't stem from the new competition but instead of his past experiences pitching a new UFC game to them. Hit the jump for the details.
In a recent interview with MMA Junkie, White stated that "They wouldn't even take a meeting because mixed martial arts disgusted them. This wasn't a real sport. Boy, they got over that real quick, didn't they?" He also went on to threaten any other fighter that signed on to be part of the game saying "You won't be in the UFC." MMA has already claimed its first superstar in Randy "The Natural" Couture although Couture had resigned from the UFC before signing on to the game and then rejoining the UFC.
While most people would see this as an empty threat, White has always been an extremely honest businessman who isn't known to take shit from anyone. Honestly, I really like that White is taking a stand like this against a company who completely disrespected his way of life until it was time to make a quick buck. I really don't see any fighters risking their careers to appear in another mma game especially when the UFC has become the mma company to fight in. That being said unless EA can pull something out of their ass, MMA will fail miserably since this is going to be a game based on realism with very similar fighters and styles where every fighter can't have some kind of super dragon kick to differentiate them from the others.
By: Kieran Kirk
A deleted scene from the upcoming Director's Cut of the Watchmen dvd has been released and I can sum it up in one word: amazing. While in most dvd's the deleted scenes are a few lines of needless dialogue, the above clip is simply amazing and in my opinion even manages to outdo the original scene from the book. I wasn't even sure what to feel while watching it. On the one hand it was terrible to see such a good man die the way he did but on the other at least he went out swinging which is what he probably always wanted to do in the first place. Snyder captures everything gorgeously as the gang members turn into Mason's old time enemies and back again as the music blares triumphantly before stopping suddenly when the hero meets his end. The DVD will be dropping on July 21st and although I plan on holding out for the deluxe edition coming in the winter, this scene will make the wait even that much more excruciating. Continue Reading»

A new photo from the upcoming Iron Man 2 was released today and it is sure to please nerds and non nerds alike. Scarlet Johanson, who will be playing the role of Natasha Romanoff AKA The Black Widow, is rocking the black leather and auburn locks in the first picture of her soon to be ongoing role in the Marvel Universe. As hot as Johanson is, I wasn't sure how she would look as a red head but boy was I wrong. Add one more to the list of why I'll be in the first showing come May. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling revealed the contents of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's "Hardened" and "Prestige" editions of the game last night. The top tier version comes with working night vision goggles and, as expected, a first class price.
To get the super ultra deluxe limited version, which includes an art book, limited Steelbook case and a token to download the original Call of Duty, plus the aforementioned goggles, expect to pay $149 USD. That's the suggested retail price of the "Prestige" edition, almost twice that of the $79 "Hardened" edition.
Infinity Ward also confirmed via its Twitter account that the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network versions of the original Call of Duty will have multiplayer support.
With Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero, Tony Hawk's Ride and now Modern Warfare 2 all sporting $100-plus pricing options, we're guessing that Activision will have some serious, if heavily padded, fourth quarter revenue to boast about come 2010. How well all these giant boxes will sit with retail, however, is another matter.
Continue Reading»To get the super ultra deluxe limited version, which includes an art book, limited Steelbook case and a token to download the original Call of Duty, plus the aforementioned goggles, expect to pay $149 USD. That's the suggested retail price of the "Prestige" edition, almost twice that of the $79 "Hardened" edition.
Infinity Ward also confirmed via its Twitter account that the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network versions of the original Call of Duty will have multiplayer support.
With Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero, Tony Hawk's Ride and now Modern Warfare 2 all sporting $100-plus pricing options, we're guessing that Activision will have some serious, if heavily padded, fourth quarter revenue to boast about come 2010. How well all these giant boxes will sit with retail, however, is another matter.
By: Dave Dinowitz
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Halo 3
2 Call of Duty: WaW
3 Call of Duty 4
4 Gears of War 2
5 Battlefield 1943
7 FIFA 09
8 Left 4 Dead
9 UFC 2009 Undisputed
10 Fallout 3
Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)
1 Battlefield 1943
2 N+
3 Worms 2: Armageddon
4 Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers
5 Castle Crashers
8 Hasbro Family Game Night
9 Sonic The Hedgehog 3
To see the rest of the statistics
Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Halo 2
2 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
3 Counter-Strike
4 Fable
5 Splinter Cell Chaos
6 Conker: Live Reloaded
7 Doom 3
8 Star Wars: Battlefront
9 SW: Republic Commando
Top Community Games (Full Versions purchased)
1 Kodu Game Lab
2 RC-AirSim
3 myFishtank
4 A Perfect Massage
5 Urban Art Gallery
6 Shiatsu Massage
7 A Morons Challenge
8 Sketch
9 DrumKit
10 Illusions 360
By: Dave Dinowitz
The lone wanderer from Vault 101 is taking to the skies next month in the new fallout DLC 'Mothership Zeta'. Players will find themselves trapped in an alien spaceship with fellow Wastelanders and must ban together in order to escape. Beam up on August 3 for 800 points. Continue Reading»
By: Tom DeGeronimo
Here's IGN's preview of the new arcade remake of the smash hit Turtles in Time. Being the huge ninja turtles fan that I am this is like a dream come true for me, I can't wait to put the hurt on some foot soldiers. Continue Reading»
By: Tom DeGeronimo
Here we have the first shot of the new guitar that will be included in Guitar Hero 5. Looks a lot like the one from 4 but at this point It really doesn't matter to me. Both the new guitars coming from Rock Band's Beatles game look pretty promising and I'll be grabbing one for sure. Continue Reading»
By: Greg Daro
This game is an unexpected heavy hitter and is building up some positive reviews with the media. BlazBlue appeals to the audience of people that are into animie and fighting games. Being said to be a legitimate contender for the 2D brawler Street Fighter 4 is only one of the many compliments BlazBlue has received. Each character is said to have a unique set of fighting skills making for some very versatile fighting. Watch this review and see for yourself, then go out an pick this one up. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Fans who purchased Fight Night Round 4 recently may have been frustrated due to the lack of control options. EA announced today that free DLC will be released that will give players the option to opt in the classic punch scheme.
"We strongly believe that the refined Total Punch Control is the most intuitive way to throw punches in Fight Night Round 4," the game's senior producer, Dean Richards, said in a press release, "But we also want fans of the franchise to have an option." Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Today is Bungie Day (7/7/09) along with Bungies activities planned for the day they also released pictures of the three new maps that will be released along with Halo: ODST. The picture above is Heretic a remake of Midship from Halo 2. To see the other two maps Citadel and Longshore hit the jump.
By: Dave Dinowitz
Red Steel 2 showing off its 1:1 control via motion control plus which will be bundled with game. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Red Steel 2 showing off its 1:1 control via motion control plus which will be bundled with game. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Realtime Worlds creators of Crackdown present there new MMO APB. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Realtime Worlds creators of Crackdown present there new MMO APB. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
5:04 - It begins, a trailer for Dante's Inferno.
5:06 - Talking about how Sims 3 is launching worldwide tonight, a trailer is coming on.
5:08 - Talking about how metacritic scores last year were all above 80, Chip Lang part of Hasbro division is on stage.
5:09 - Littlest Pet Shop is being presented -_- 2 million girls have played it and are begging for more. Littlest Pet Shop online coming soon.
5:11 - And heres a trailer...
5:12 - Charm girls club now, riveting stuff here. 4 games, 1 for wii, 3 for ds. heres comes a live demonstration im on the edge of my seat.
5:14 - A trailer for charm girls. Need for speed up next.
5:16 - Trailer showing the different kind of drivers there will be.
5:18 - live demo of a race in London, reminds me of PGR. big crash, the screen goes black and white, enter shakey cam as the impact occurs.
5:20 - Dragon Age is up next.
5:21 - Console footage on now, October 20th release date, pretty sick trailer.
5:23 - MASS EFFECT 2 :O
5:23 - Here comes the first full gameplay trailer.
5:26 - Holy Awesome, sports montage trailer on now.
5:27 - Peter Moore is on stage now.
5:28 - Live demo of Fight Night 4, Tyson v. Ali coming in a min, talking about how FN4 was achieved.
5:31 - Isn't this game out soon? June 25th releasing a week earlier than expected.
5:32 - EA Sports MMA, Authentic broad mixed martial arts experience.
5:33 - 500,000 million gamers have played on the EA servers.
5:34 - Steve Chiang is coming out on stage to show new connectivity features, first up team builder, you can create a team on your browser for NCAA football. Anything from the stadium to the player can all be customized.
5:36 - Team builder is available now online, Online Franchise for Madden 2010.
5:37 - Reminds me of a power thirst video lol. Here comes the wii section, starting with EA sports active.
5:39 - Just in case you were doubting EA sports active, this trailer is going to make you eat your words.
5:42 - 600,000 EA Sports Active has been sold in two weeks. Way to go society. And already an expansion pack in development.
5:43 - Peter and some guy are playing EA Grand Slam Tennis. They are having way to much fun, and here comes and actually tennis play I assume?
5:46 - 23 players in the game, available this week, Sampris is now playing against random guy, and its over.
5:48 - Tom French is showing The Saboteur, first showing the main character.
5:49 - Killing a lot of Nazi's. Trailer ends. Here comes a live demo.
5:50 - Game has a Sin City type look, color will return as you kill more nazi's. Sandbox world.
5:51 - Planting some explosives in a fuel depot, poor design decisions Nazis.
5:52 - Demo over, looks pretty good, coming Holiday 09.
5:53 - EA Partner section beginning.
5:54 - Brutal Legend Up Next.
5:57 - Trailer coming up.
5:59 - October 13th is the release date, game looks entertaining and fun. Features Rob Halford, Jack Black, Lemmy, Lita Ford, and Ozzy.
6:00 - Special video from Jack Black.
6:01 - Crytek is up next Cevat Yerli president comes on stage, talking about Crysis. Announcing Crysis 2.
6:02 - Crysis 2 will be multiplatform, will use advantages on all consoles.
6:03 - New partner for EA Partners, made GTA1, GTA2, and crackdown.
6:03 - APB is next.
6:04 - Every player is unique, looks like the deepest customization Ive ever seen, here comes a trailer.
6:07 - Trailer over, star wars music comes on, jedi's march on stage.
6:08 - Talking about Star Wars MMO.
6:09 - Will be the first fully voiced MMO.
6:11 - First cinematic trailer coming on.
6:15 - Pretty serious trailer, that ends the show. Thanks for reading.
By: Dave Dinowitz
If you purchase the collectors edition of Halo 3 ODST you will also get this controller bundled in with the package. It will only be available for purchase as part of the bundle. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Last but certainly not least Microsoft ended its keynote with the announcement of Project Natal. Say hello to Microsofts spin on motion control. You are the controller. Check out the video below to see more.
" Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
It was bound to happen but now its official, Kojima stepped out onto the stage and announced a new Metal Gear game, Metal Gear: Rising. A new type of Metal Gear with Raiden. Not many details other than its coming but that's enough. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the footage mentioned earlier shown during the Microsoft keynote. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the footage mentioned earlier shown during the Microsoft keynote. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Microsoft announced a bunch of new features for Xbox Live at the keynote. They included:
- Full 1080p video service that streams instantly.
- Ability to watch movies and TV with other live members.
- Facebook and Twitter integration.
- integration at no additional charge. Continue Reading»
Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the footage of Bungies expansion on Halo 3. Edited: With direct feed footage. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the footage of Bungies expansion on Halo 3. Edited: With direct feed footage. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
This is the gameplay from Modern Warfare 2 shown during the MS keynote, its split up into three parts, hit the jump for the other two.
Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
This is the gameplay from Modern Warfare 2 shown during the MS keynote, its split up into three parts, hit the jump for the other two.
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the trailer for Splinter Cell Conviction, during the keynote there was gameplay shown and it was awesome. We'll have the gameplay footage as soon as it goes up. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Here's the trailer for Splinter Cell Conviction, during the keynote there was gameplay shown and it was awesome. We'll have the gameplay footage as soon as it goes up. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
More stuff coming for your avatar as Microsoft announced today that Avatars will be getting an upgrade, with new items, known as Awards and Props. That includes free items, add-ons and outfits that you can win, as well as Avatar items that you can purchase from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
As long as we still got guns, we going to fight. November 17, 2009 Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
As long as we still got guns, we going to fight. November 17, 2009 Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
I love Crackdown. So I was excited to hear that Crackdown 2 has been officially been announced. We'll ahve the trailer as soon as it goes up. In the trailer an Agent is chasing some criminal in a CG cutscene. At the end something emerges from a sewer. The tagline for the trailer was 'The city is infected, you're the cure". Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Even before Modern Warfare 2 releases this November Microsoft and Infinity Ward announced today that the first two map packs will be exclusive DLC for the 360. Guess Microsoft is thinking ahead. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
That whole harmony singing rumor regarding The Beatles is now confirmed as the feature debuted as the Harmonix folks took the stage. "Day Tripper" was the song that was shown along with "I Am The Walrus", "Back In The USSR", "Tax Man", "Here Comes The Sun", "Octopuses Garden", "Get Back", and "I Feel Fine". "All You Need Is Love" is also coming to the game as Xbox exclusive downloadable content. Harmonix will also be realsing full albums as downloadable content, with Abbey Road being made available for purchase in its entirety shortly after the game launches. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
Apparently MS just couldn't fit everything into the keynote, here's another big piece of news, full downloadable 360 games coming to the marketplace that can be purchased using a credit card. :O Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
First footage of FF13 running on the Xbox 360 shown during the Microsoft press conference. Final Fantasy has a release date of Spring 2010. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
First footage of FF13 running on the Xbox 360 shown during the Microsoft press conference. Final Fantasy has a release date of Spring 2010. Continue Reading»
By: Dave Dinowitz
From the creators of Project Gotham Racing comes a new kind of racer. Continue Reading»
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