By: Kieran Kirk
Most people that know me know I've got a man crush on Ryan Reynolds. I'm not afraid to admit it, he's the fucking man. And although I am obviously a Marvel fan boy, Green Lantern was one of the few DC characters I enjoyed. For those of you that don't know, the Green Lanterns are a galaxy wide peace keeping force that use their rings which are powered by their willpower and courage to battle evil. So one would expect that you put these two together and it would be a match made in heaven right? Wrong.
Hit the jump for why this is a huge mistake.
There are so many reasons why I thought this was terrible news but lets start at the beginning. First is the fact that this will probably stall if not destroy the chances of a Deadpool movie from being made. DC and Marvel probably don't want one of their major franchise's actors making movies for their competitor so this might kill the Deadpool movie in its tracks. At the same time I don't think a person who talked about getting the movie made so adamantly would drop it so easily so this one is still up in the air.
The biggest problem with all of this though is that honestly, as much as I like Reynolds, he just doesn't feel like Green Lantern to me. I don't imagine him as being a wise ass pretty boy. I see him as a stoic and powerful, square jawed warrior with a deep and commanding voice. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way but hey maybe they can surprise me. Honestly though, they should just hire Nathan Fillion and do a longer version of this fan made trailer.
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