Yes we know we are going a bit WoW crazy this week but it's a big week in Azeroth. Biggest news is that everyone's favorite pet rock, the hearthstone will have its cooldown reduced to 30 minutes. This is gonna be a huge time saver for everyone now that you won't have to spend so much time hoofing it. Pictures and details for the new rewards from Ulduar and Argent Tournament have been leaked and they all look pretty sick. More details and pictures after the jump.
I like how all of the Ulduar equipment share a similiar look and after a couple weeks of raiding your guild will probably look pretty cool.
Heres the pics.
With the introduction of Ulduar comes a brand new artifact weapon. Val'anyr, the Gavel of Ancient Kings, will be a mace formed from 40 "Fragments of Val'anyr, and will be available to paladins, priests, shamans, and druids. Here's a video of the unfinsihed Val'anyr model without the particle effects holding the ends together.
The Argent Tournament rewards have also been leaked and look pretty cool as well. New city specific tabards and mounts will add a pretty cool new look to players as they are able to represent their home city. I'm still pretty annoyed about the lifting of the restrictions for race specific mounts. I guess I'm the only one that liked to see a wide diversity of mounts instead of every player riding on a frostsaber. This is a tournament where you represent your home city, not someone elses. Humans should ride horses, blood elves chocobos, etc. But maybe I'm just racist.
Heres the pictures and specifics on those.
Finally, in the updated patch notes, mention of an underwater mount was mentioned in the form of an underwater ray. This, along with multiple new items for underwater breathing further hints at the new expansion being the Maelstrom, located between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. It is still unknown however if the mission to acquire the sting ray will involve killing a well known animal expert.
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