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Good: "Fuel" A Racing MMO Coming To Consoles

After four Years in development the smell of Codemasters "Fuel" is getting very potent. Fuel is a one of a kind "Racing MMO" that is said to have a map that encompasses over 5,000 square miles, therefore making it larger then the entire state of Connecticut. For more information about Fuel click the jump

So what would you do if America deteriorated from global warming? Would you figure out a way to help the planet or would you just curl up in a ball, suck your thumb and wait for the end? Fuel says everyone would get in any vehicle they could find and race around the ravaged terrain, sounds good enough to me, get me in a car! The terrain will bare similarity's to Yellowstone National Park, The Grand Canyon, Mount Rainier and much more so you can expect plenty of beautiful vistas while your racing with your friends in the middle of nowhere. Online players will be able to populate the environment in real time and you can race it up together completing challenges, races and events. There's even a career mode with 75 multi-class vehicle races that include checkpoint runs, open-ended long hauls, circuit courses and even boss battles, that's right I said boss battles. These boss battles aren't like any other boss battles in a racing game, no sir these events force you to push your foot to the floor as a raging twister chases after you throwing buildings, trees, cars, and every piece of the environment in its path, which one of you or you're friends survives is up to your driving skills. Hundreds of additional challenges are also available as players will be able to switch between career mode and exploring the ravaged world whenever they want. If you choose to roam around you will find new cars, secret scenic spots, and racing contests. If you don't want to just roam around aimlessly there are heliports that will serve as drop points to another sector on the map making travel easier, it also helps that every car will have it's own GPS system. Codemasters will also put you in the developers seat and let you create your own course, giving you the ability to set up a total of 32 checkpoints and tweak a variety of race parameters. Fuel seems like it is shaping up to be an amazing adventure and one I cant wait for, GameInformer has said "If you thought that Burnout Paradise was big, Your head is going to explode when you see the size of Fuel." Expect Fuel to hit shelves this May for Xbox 360, Ps3, and PC for more videos on fuel check below.


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