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Good: Vin Diesel Interview

Here's a fun fact, Vin Diesel is actually the Founder of Tigon studios, which is actually the video game company that is re-introducing the Chronicles of Riddick. For a little more information about Vin's new game click the jump

The game will be out April 7th, 2009 and I actually played some of it already this year at Comic-con and it was great. There is a demo up now on Xbox live but it is only part the Dark Athena chapter, I however touched upon the Escape From Butcher Bay chapter at comic-con and loved it. It stays true to the old game but adds some great new gameplay elements to keep it fresh. Vin Diesel is working very hard on this game believe it or not, and he really seems like hes into video games and for that he definitely gets my respect. Chronicles of Riddick isn't just some bad movie-game its actually a great game with a very intriguing story that will keep players on the edge of their seat. Perhaps what makes Escape From Butcher Bay such a great experience is the fact that you are in prison for about 30% of the game, and that's an approach that has never really been taken before in video games. You will have to watch you're back, make alliances with inmates (who are far from trustworthy), acquire shanks, start prison fights, and most importantly: find a way to escape. To top it off once you complete Butcher Bay there is a whole other chapter to play which is said to be about a 12 hour experience making for about a 20+ hour game that has a mulitplayer component as well. As you can see I love this game and I obviously want it to do well so do yourself a favor and pick it up this April.


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