The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Bad: United Nations to Hold Battlestar Galactica Discussion

On March 17th, the United Nations will hold a Battlestar Galactica panel. No, that wasn't a joke.
The U.N. is planning to sit and discuss with executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick and actors Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos about how the show deals with war, terrorism, human rights, and morality. I love BSG as much as anyone but don't they have wars to stop and shit? You know the world is fucked when the people we elect to lead us through the dark times turn to a group of people who work on a sci-fi tv show. They don't even write it for Christ's sake. Maybe the U.N. knows something we don't though. While we're all paying attention to the complete and utter disaster that is the world economy, Cylons could be infiltrating every facet of our lives, simply biding their time until they destroy us. I'd rather that be the case then to think our leaders are just pissed they missed Comic Con. The only thing worse than this would be if they announced some ridiculous celebrity way past their prime to attend.

Oh wait. The panel is going to be moderated by Whoopie Goldberg. FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK.


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