In the weeks leading up to the release of Killzone 2, reviews were overwhelmingly positive but now that the game is finally on store shelves, complaints have surfaced claiming the game's controls may be broken with lag from the press of the button to the actual effect on screen. I was originally hestitant to post this video due to the fact I didn't want to come across bias but after heavy thought I felt it needed to be seen. Click the link for the video.
While the first few complaints could have just been explained away as the player not being any good, this video proves that yes there is in fact a lag in the game. You can't really notice the trigger lag with the naked eye but when slowed down, it is clearly visible. Some may feel this is barely anything to complain about but when playing online, a fraction of a second means the difference between a head shot and air. When aiming a gun at an enemy, no player should have to take into account a games lag in addition to lining up that shot. The lack of sensitivity in the joysticks is more visible and can turn a great game into a headache.
This calls into question many of the reviews that were rushed out by major review sites more than a month before the game came out. I'm not saying the game isn't good but I annoyed to find reviews knocking one game for its multiplayer but rushing another games review without even giving multiplayer a solid work through. Complaints began arising as soon as the game hit stores yet I haven't seen any review sites criticize it. Are major reviewers really playing the games long enough to know a game and all of its components or are they simply playing enough to get a feel and get that review out as fast as possible?
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