Oh hell yes. I don't know if anyone remembers the old Mutant League games or the cartoon that was based on it but as a child I remember thinking it was one of the most bad ass things I've ever seen.
Oh hell yes. I don't know if anyone remembers the old Mutant League games or the cartoon that was based on it but as a child I remember thinking it was one of the most bad ass things I've ever seen.
This is the first gameplay I've seen from the Dark Knights new adventure into Arkham Asylum. For more details click the jump to
Although I'm not sure I like the camera angle, I really just can't see it being done any other way. I don't want to put this game down and it pains me to think it could be a bad game, but I just think the camera control will be a huge problem. Edios has never been great with camera controls (Tomb Raider) so I guess I'm just not sold yet...Regardless of what I think the trailer is still very cool and Batman fans will be pleased to hear the voice acting of Mark Hamil as the joker and Kevin Conroy as Batman. Both did the voice acting for the animated series and they sound great as always.

Prince Of Persia will be releasing some downloadable content on February 26th. The content is for players who already complete the single player campaign but there is plenty of new features to make any fan of the series happy. Spoiler Alert: if you haven't finished the game you should go do that before you
Well if you were a little pissed off with the ending of Prince of Persia here's a little something to make you happy. As it turns out the DLC will continue after the games epiloge (yeah that stupid thing when you walk around with Elicka's dead body). So not only will the game play out longer there is a new Boss known as "The Shapeshifter".This new enemy is said to take the form of Ahriman's most feared lieutenants "The Hunter" and "The Warrior". The Shapeshifter may look like a similar boss but Ubisoft is promising a challenge and supposedly it will require a lot of strategy to defeat him. In addition to the DLC new skins for you're characters will be available (as predicted) along with some new character dialog to further build a relationship with the main characters. Ubisoft isn't stopping there though, The Prince and Elicka will add some new moves to their arsenal. The Prince will receive a new sprint feature that will play a huge role in defeating The Shapeshifter, and Elicka will have and new power known as Energize that will allow her to restore broken environments. Both will only be accessible after the epilogue. The last on this great list of DLC is my favorite, the platforming has been re-built and will be more challenging for the hardcore Prince Of Persia fans. The price of all this content has not been said yet although I'm hoping for something reasonable because I felt a little ripped off after I beat the game, didn't you? However This Prince Of Persia DLC has sold me because it fixes most of the problems I had with the original product.
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 CoD: World at War
2 Halo 3
3 Call of Duty 4
4 Gears of War 2
5 Left 4 Dead
7 Fable II
8 FIFA 09
9 Guitar Hero World Tour
10 Madden NFL 09
1 The Maw
2 Castle Crashers
3 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
4 Worms
6 A Kingdom for Keflings
7 Braid
8 Banjo-Kazooie
9 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
10 Bomberman Live
The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
To see the other statistics for the week hit the jump.
Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Halo 2
2 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
3 Fable
4 Counter-Strike
5 Conker: Live Reloaded
6 Splinter Cell Chaos
7 Doom 3
8 Star Wars: Battlefront
9 Call of Duty 3
10 Street Fighter Anniv.
Top Community Games NEW! (Full Versions purchased)
1 RC-AirSim
2 Golden Royal Blackjack
3 CarneyVale Showtime
4 Ocean Scenes
5 Air Legends
6 Groov
7 Johnny Platform's Biscuit Romp
8 Foosball For Two
9 Weapon of Choice
10 Colosseum
IGN Video Review
Looks like I'll be finally picking up a second ps3 game.
Edit: Looks like IGNs video wont stream here, click the link for now to see the review. Continue Reading»

The official WoW forums provided a thread by Blizzard poster GhostCrawler, where he admitted the nerf on hunters was a little over done. The title of the thread is Beast-Master and Marskmanship builds are broken and I agree. Volley, our bread and butter AoE had its damage cut and we hunters are paying for it on the damage meters.
The post stated:
"We talked about it a great deal today and agreed that we probably over-nerfed BM. Marks is in a good spot and Survival might be too high once we look at the changes we are making to all other classes. Our plan is to buff BM before Ulduar, but I can't give you a timetable more detailed than that, and things could change for any number of reasons.
Finally some hunter love. Continue Reading»
- Still leaps and bounds over the competition.
- The flickit control system.
- The open world of San Van
- New Tricks/New Features
- Much better story progression.
- The Online Play
The Bad:
- New additions just aren't enough.
- Controls can be fickle.
- Story feels weak.
The Ugly:
- Off board movement
- No solid replay/movie system.
- The 'Teleport' System.
September 30, 1999. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for the Playstation 1 is released. It manages to capture the essence of skateboarding while making it a fun experience. For the next eight years the Tony Hawk series would dominate the skateboarding video game genre. Every year new features were tacked on in order to keep gameplay fresh. It started off subtle by adding the manual. Then the revert, the caveman, and more. But as each released came out it felt like it had strayed from its original goal of being a skateboarding game to just an unrealistic arcade mess. Something new was needed. EA saw an opportunity, jump to September 13, 2007 Skate is released on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. A completely different look at what a skateboarding game should be. Gamers like the change as it topples Tony Hawks crown selling double its copies and putting Tony Hawk on its first vacation ever. A rousing success a sequel was expected, but is it good or just following the same road as Tony Hawk?
The best place to start would obviously be the skating aspect of the game. EA Black Box hasn't changed the formula much from its predecessor. Why should they? The flickit control scheme is still present and still works beautifully. Other than the obvious new bag of tricks. Handplants, hippy jumps, foot plants have been added to the fray. Though handplants will be implemented into your gameplay almost immediately, the rest I felt myself doing them just to see them happen rather than being a natural part of skating. Especially foot plants, when I go off a jump I tend to have my finger over the X button so when I land I'll immediately start pushing again. Unfortunately in the air the X button preforms a foot plant which 90% of the time results in my untimely demise.
Control changes don't just end on the board but now off it as well. You can get off your board anytime and walk around freely. One big issue I had with the original skate was I would tend to bump into little things all the time (curbs, stairs) so its a great addition to be able to just hop off my board and get right back into things. Not all is well in San Van though player movement off the board is absolutely atrocious. If I had to describe it I would say it handles like a drunk fat person on a unicycle. Once you get past that Skate 2 adds the feature of being able to move real world objects into your lines. It's a great feature that leads to many 'Well if I put that here, and this there, it would be awesome' moments. The create a spot feature essentially allows you to share these moments with friends. You can upload spots you create and allow your friends to skate them, a simple idea but works and results in a fun addition.
Once you get back into old habits you'll want to jump into the new San Van. Like the original the entire city is open from the get go. It's great because you don't have to be concerned with completing any of the story related items you can just skate. Eventually you will come to a story related 'mission' in your travels. In the original some found it hard to progress through the story. Black Box has definitely made some improvements in this department with more goals to do at any moment. All the originals are still there. Owning spots, street competitions, vert competitions, pro skater challenges, and of course deathraces. With this abundance of goals Black Box has added in a teleport system. At any time a player can pause go to any goal and teleport there. It definitely speeds things up but half the fun in skate is exploring the world by adding the ability to go anywhere anytime some players will miss out on what San Van has to offer. After completing each of these goals your either rewarded with a cash reward or a cover of some kind. Though the story has improved it still seems as if your going through the motions instead of reaching some ultimate goal. Even when you do reach the top the game just says 'Big Deal' here's some cash. During all this the camera man Slappy always following you films everything you do. One thing I did expect was big improvements in the replay system. It seems EA took the one step forward, two steps back approach. Two new camera angles have been added, but film effects have been taken out and no other noticeable improvements have been made. It's crazy to think that a feature included in the first game has been removed entirely. Supposedly a DLC pack for replays is coming out but its something that should be there on the disc.
Lastly the online play has improved. The classics still are present. With all the events from the offline play incorporated into the online. Honestly nothing beats a deathrace with friends its a reason to pick up the game on its own. One new addition is cooperative events. The idea that these events can only be completed with numerous players. It can be as simple as the team working together to create a score, or everyone hitting the same gap without bailing. Overall these improvements make the online portion of skate 2 a more enjoyable experience.
Final Thoughts:
Overall Skate 2 is still a great game. Despite its many issues the overall experience is still enjoyable. Though it has many additions they just aren't enough to make it as revolutionary of an experience as the original was. The only thing that concerns me about skate is the future. Looking back on Tony Hawk I can only feel as if Skate might be headed down the same path. Tony Hawk started off as a great game that progressively got worse. Its too early to tell if EA is going to follow the same tradition. Only the future will tell, for now Skate is still the best skateboarding game I've played.
Final Grade: 8.5
Continue Reading»
Gameplay is in the middle of the trailer. The word "Gorgeous!" might blurt out of you're mouth while watching, maybe in an Australian accent too. Continue Reading»

Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2 have been announced and its about time if you ask me. Capcom's own Keiji Inafuna (man behind the Mega Man series) has said in a recent interview..."We're finally putting out new Dead Rising and Lost Planet games". He also said Capcom is "thinking about multiplatform, and expanding upon both slightly from the Xbox 360 version." If you haven't played Dead Rising or Lost Planet I recommend getting on top of that, just make sure you don't buy Dead Rising for Wii because nobody wants that garbage and the 360 version is 100X better. Continue Reading»
Here are some of the rumored PSP2 pictures if you're interested...

IGN Credible Source
MCVUK Reliable Source Continue Reading»
Skate 2 beats Tony Hawk once again! Although I feel the dialog for skate 2 is really corny and there is still no create you're own movie feature, this one is still worth you're 60$. To be honest I'm expecting a huge comeback from Tony Hawk. We all know their pissed off at Activision and will definitely have an answer to EA's Skate. Now, if just one of these games would make it so you can record clips and put them together like a real skateboard movie.... Continue Reading»
The Xbox 360 Jasper model has been talked about for a while, and has apparently been in circulation since the holidays. For those who don't know, the Jasper model runs using less power, and is supposed to run quieter with less of a chance of failure.
However, it's not labled on the front of the box that you're buying the version that won't have a catastrophic meltodown at the drop of a hat. Unfortunatley, you can't just rip open the box at retail to find out, but there are some things that can clue you in as to what you're getting. Newegg.com has an arcade bundle that touts "256 MB of internal storage". Now, if you know anything about the arcade, it usually doesn't have internal storage - a clue that this version is a Jasper.
Also, if you're unsure as to whether the 360 you got over the holidays is a Jasper... who am I kidding you've already sent that one away for repair. Let me start again... if you want to know if the box you just got from the repair center is a Jasper, just take a look at the above picture. If the back of your box looks like that, then congratulations, your 360 might not break as often. Continue Reading»
Good news for North American 360 owners that missed out on the Japanese demo that released back in December. The demo is finally available on the 360 marketplace. It supports two player coop and is the same two levels in the demo previously seen. Click the link below to add it to your download list, next time you turn on your Xbox 360 it will automatically download.
Download to 360 Continue Reading»

No price yet but I'm sure it won't be anything surprising.
The package is said to include:
- Red 360
- Red control pad
- Resident Evil 5
- Resident Evil 5 NXE theme
- Download coupon for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD

Metallica Songs
All Nightmare Long
Creeping Death
Disposable Heroes
Dyers Eve
Enter Sandman
Fade To Black
Fight Fire With Fire
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Hit The Lights
King Nothing
Master of Puppets
Mercyful Fate (Medley)
No Leaf Clover
Nothing Else Matters
Sad But True
Seek And Destroy
The Memory Remains
The Shortest Straw
The Thing That Should Not Be
The Unforgiven
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Wherever I May Roam
Other Artists
Alice In Chains - No Excuses
Bob Seger - Turn The Page
Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross
Diamond Head - Am I Evil?
Foo Fighters - Stacked Actors
Judas Priest - Hell Bent For Leather
Kyuss - Demon Cleaner
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesdays Gone
Machine Head - Beautiful Mourning
Mastodon - Blood And Thunder
Mercyful Fate - Evil
Michael Schenker Group - Armed and Ready
Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Queen - Stone Cold Crazy
Samhain - Mother of Mercy
Slayer - War Ensemble
Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster
Suicidal Tendencies - War Inside My Head
System of a Down - Toxicity
The Sword - Black River
Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back in Town
Looks good to me. Despite how bad Guitar Hero World Tour was I'll probably be picking this one up for a play through.
On another note check out Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield's new Signature Series Guitars. Ouija Continue Reading»
This trailer is really cool I enjoyed watching it a lot. The problem is the voice actors talk throughout the whole thing! I mean seriously they don't stop and its really annoying. While watching this you may scream STFU a couple times but it's nothing the mute button can't fix. Continue Reading»
Releasing March 3rd, the game will feature the cult hit Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay along with the new chapter known as "Assault On Dark Athena". The game will allow you to play either chapter right from the beginning, so if you want to play Assault On Dark Athena first you can. However if you've never played Escape from Butcher Bay that would be a huge mistake because not only is that one of the best games I've ever played it's the first in the series and Assault On Dark Athena happens immediately after. Both chapters are using a new engine, Butcher Bay is completely remade with new graphics and fixed gameplay issues. The way I see it you're getting two games for the price of one so make sure you have 60$ ready on March 3rd.
Here's another trailer for all who are interested.
Continue Reading»
- Stuff goes on sale, enough said. The best way to find out what’s on sale is to check the Sunday ad. You’ll probably get this in the mail or in the Sunday newspapers.
- However, the Sunday ad is also available in the store a day early. If you come by Target on a Saturday night, you can usually find someone posting the ad near the doors at the entrance. This is handy if you want to know what’ll be on sale so you can get there early before they’re snatched up. Also, if you’re looking for hard-to-get items, you should definitely check out the ad on Saturday because if it’s in the ad we have to have at least one. So, if you’re looking for a Wii or a Wii Fit, check it out.
- Sometimes stuff goes on sale, but you can’t afford to get it right now. Unfortunately, sales only last until the next ad comes out, so you might think you need to buy it before the end of the week. Wrong. All you need to do is ask for a RAIN CHECK on the item.
- Note that this doesn’t always work (such as on temporary price cut items), but if you see something on sale that you just can’t afford to get right now, ask for a rain check. It’ll be valid for a few months after and will get you the same price on the game even if the sale isn’t there.
- All you need to do to is go to Guest Services and ask them to print you out a rain check for the game. It helps if you can tell them the DPCI number, which is a 9 digit number on the bottom of all of the tags on the shelf, under the barcode on the bottom right. They usually look like this = XXX-XX-XXXX. (If guest service is crowded, you can try and get a cashier to do it. If they don’t know how to do it, tell them to type in the numbers 9801, followed by the DPCI number.)
- Clearance is the holy grail of getting good deals on games. The reason that big-box retailers have stuff hit the clearance rack a lot is because there is limited shelf space. We can’t afford to have Devil May Cry 4 sitting on the shelf for $59.99 five months after release, they need to clear space for new games.
- Clearance games are easy to spot, as they have tiny orange stickers on them. They tell you the original price on the left, the new price on the right, and the DPCI number on the top.
- Clearance games are also not where you might expect them to be, as they are often moved off the shelves and out of the cases to be put on Clearance sections. They usually contain more than just games, and might also have toys and other junk. You can spot a clearance section by the big red and white sign that says CLEARANCE. In my store, the clearance games usually end up down on the endcaps (end of the isle) near the toys.
- When games start getting clearanced, they usually go down in price by about 25%-30%.
- Prices for clearanced items usually end in an 8 - such as $19.98, $9.98, $4.98, etc. Having an 8 in the price means that the price will continue to drop. If the item ends in a 4, however, the price will not drop, and this is the cheapest you’re going to get it.
- Games are usually clearanced out every Monday, and updates to already clearanced items are also done on Monday. So, if you see a game on clearance but it’s still a bit too pricy, come back again the following Monday and see what the new price is.
- Clearance games are a mixed bag, however. They may not all be the games you were looking for (Who the fuck wants Clive Barker's Jericho even if it is $13.98?), and they don't usually last long (if you can tell it's a good deal, you're not the only one). So, if you're shopping clearance you've got to be vigilant,
MY DEALS - They're real!
Devil May Cry 4 - $14.98 (MSRP $59.99)
Dead Space -$30.00 (MSRP $59.99)
Viva Pinata - $4.98 (MSRP $29.99)
Guitar Hero Aerosmith w/ Wireless Guitar (360) - $24.98 (MSRP $99.99)
Blast Works: Build Trade Destory - $4.98 (MSRP $39.99)
Bully Scholarship Edition (Wii) - $12.98 (MSRP $29.99)
Total Money Saved - $227.04
Continue Reading»
Morgan Webb

Layla Kayleigh

Olivia Munn

Blair Butler (lol)

Personally I think Olivia Munn takes it for the win but that's just me. Let me know who you think is the hottest of the hot. Continue Reading»

Releasing April 16th in Japan the Advent Children bundle pack will feature a "Cloud Black" finish, Final Fantasy XIII demo, 160 GB Hardrive, and Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children Blu- Ray disc. This bundle pack will be priced at $619.90. There is no release date yet for the U.S however, but if I had to guess I'd say about 6 months or so after the Japan release. This will be a nice buy for the super hardcore FF7 fans, but it would have been nice to see a little more design on the PS3 rather then just Cloud's shoulder emblem. In the world of Final Fantasy there are so many beautiful colors and designs that I feel could have been used on this PS3 to make it look a lot better. The whole console in general just looks too plain with lots of space to fill. Also the controller could have had something printed on it to add a little more originality to the bundle but instead it just has the "Cloud Black" color. Overall the bundle is over-priced and just a little too plain for my tastes. However if you want a Final Fantasy XIII demo this may be one of the only ways to get one. Continue Reading»

Collectors Editions have been on their way down ever since Fable 2's empty promises to get you to reserve that pile so its nice to see that Capcom remembers what a solid collectors edition really means. Coming in at $89.99 this package will feed Resident Evil fans the flesh and brains they need so dearly. Continue Reading»

My love of Star Wars is well known on GBU so it should come as no surprise that I took the news of Free Radical going under pretty hard. While it was not widely known until recently, Free Radical had been working on the next iteration of the Battlefront series. While it has been a while since the last full fledged sequel came out, I assumed they hadn't been that far into development if the game had been completely trashed. A couple days later a few screen shots came out showing what could have been but plenty of renders are made prior to the production of a game so it wasn't that big of a deal. Then today a video got leaked showing what could have been a truly epic game. Instead of just a few images and character renders, we were treated to a trailer of a game that looked very far along in development. While the video isn't of a very good quality, one can still make out the overall epic feel the developer was going for. My favorite level in the trailer, Coruscant, is simply breathtaking in its scope and vastness. After running along the skyscrapers and seeing the huge world, the player jumps into a starcraft and flys upwards out of the atmosphere and into another battle happening above the planet. The game also seemed to have been focusing very heavily on the single player campaign and story which the other games had been lacking in. Words cannot even describe the disappointment I feel right now. Not even anger. Just disappointment. Continue Reading»
PS3 726K
PSP 1.02M
X360 1.44M
Wii 2.15M
DS 3.04M
360 GEARS OF WAR 2 745K*
360 LEFT 4 DEAD 629K
Top selling games of 2008
360 GEARS OF WAR 2 2.31M*
360 MADDEN NFL 09 1.87M*

Those who dare and talk about video games with me know my strong hatred for Peter Molyneux. I hated fable 2 more then anyone on Planet Earth and weather you liked Fable 2 or not you should educate yourself with this developer and know where you're 60$ went when you bought his shitty game. These are 5 Reasons to Hate Peter Molyneux...
1. Remember all the promises with Fable 1?
Co-op, 30-40 hours of gameplay, The tons of sidequests that would of kept you occupied for days? Yeah I don't remember seeing any of that either. FUCK LYIN' HEAD STUDIOS!
2. How's about that co-op in Fable 2?
How much fun was that? Yeah I had a blast while I was restricted from using my character in my friends game while I watch him kill everything with his awesome character. Didn't he say you would be able to use you're character in you're friends game? Instead you were stuck using a pre-made character who sucked ass. Also everytime the host paused the game you had to wait, do you know how many times you have to pause in fable 2!? I should have known something was up when you couldn't play co-op until you downloaded a patch.
3. The way he sucks Media Molecule's and Sony's dicks.
Hey Pete you make Xbox Exclusives stop sucking on Little Big Planets dick already. If you wanna make exclusives for PS3 go the fuck ahead, leave Xbox and never come back. If not, shut you're mouth, you make Xbox look bad and I hope they disown you're bald ass for it. Some people will say "It's nice to see respect amongst developers" I disagree, especially when they are some of you're biggest competitors. It just sounds like he wants on PS3 too, so he can suck as much money out of Xbox and Sony combined like the money sucking leech that he is.
4. His Aspirations as a developer.
In an interview with Gametrailers Peter said he is looking forward to making a sports game or a driving game, also plans making Fable 3, 4, 5 etc. The mere thought of this individual making more games tortures me. This means he will continue to make games that don't live up to the hype he presents. To me that is worse then making a bad game because that means you are lying to the public and there is nothing worse then a liar. He is notorious for giving gamers false information on his games but yet people still buy them. Some will argue by saying "He says these things are in the game because during development they work but were later taken out of the final game because of complications" Yes I believe that is true but why don't you correct yourself Peter and tell us "Oh yeah that really cool thing I mentioned won't be apearing in the game sorry there were gameplay issues". Don't just let me expect it the whole time and get really pissed off when I don't see it in the game. I urge people to not buy his next game no matter what it is. Peter Molyneux said the 1st Fable would have tons of features that failed to appear in the final product. Fable 2 followed the same pattern, although not as many features were left out in the second production of the game, it still had tons of problems. That's promises broken two times in a row. I think Fable 3 will also come with a huge side of disappointment, because Peter Molyneux is a creature of habit and has not proven otherwise.
5. His Wikipedia definition:
Lauded as one of the world's most brilliant and inventive game developers, Molyneux has nevertheless acquired a reputation for issuing over-enthusiastic descriptions of games under development, which are found to be somewhat less ambitious when released. The most well-known case of this was with the game Fable, released in 2004 without many of the features talked about by Molyneux in press interviews during development. After the release, Molyneux publicly apologized for overhyping the game
That my friends says it all.
I'm sure many will disagree with my hatred for Peter Molyneux but it is my outlook on this individual and I just figure people should know a little more about this British tool bag. Continue Reading»
Good god this game looks terrible in motion. I posted some screens a few days ago and they looked pretty solid, but after seeing the game in action I think its safe to say this game looks completely ridiculous. From the shitty graphics down to its retarded storyline there is just no possible way this game could be good. I mean, look at this tool their interviewing, could they have a bigger idiot to promote their game? I mean the guy has trouble saying "technologically" and its pathetic yet hilarious for he truly has no idea how to say that word. I guess they got most of their caveman ideas from this retard... While he further embarrasses himself, he goes on to explain that you will be fighting other cavemen and half naked DJ women as if it sounds like a good idea. The story for this masterpiece is, the Mob creates cavemen, they betray you so you get a stupid arm, now go kill other cavemen and get revenge...That's pretty much it, doesn't it sound great? Seriously if this game sells more then 3 copies I will be completely surprised. I guess the only reason you should watch this video is to see how stupid the guy is, and see how horrible this game looks... Ugh his stupid Brooklyn accent is so annoying. Continue Reading»
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If you're a Final Fantasy fan odds are you've had you're eye on this one for a while now. But how big of a fan are you? If you truly are a fan of Final Fantasy you should remember that Dissidia isn't the first fighting game coming from Square-Enix. The first fighting game featuring Final Fantasy characters was known as "Ehrgiez". It featured many characters including Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Vincent, Zack, Etc. If you remember this game consider yourself a true fan. If you don't know what I'm talking about take a look below and see for yourself. Also expect a full written review on Dissidia: Final Fantasy, from me when it comes out later this year.
Continue Reading»

Penny Arcades got a good strip on it that's worth checking out. Continue Reading»

In a recent interview, Samuel L. Jackson, AKA The Baddest Motha Fucka on the Planet, stated he does not know if he will return as Nick Fury, AKA The Baddest Motha Fucka on the Marvel Planet. According to Jackson:
"There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world. It now appears that somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won't be in it."Fuck. Marvel I don't care how much money you have to give him, you better fucking make this happen. You went out of your way to put Sam Jackson in a cameo to set up for future movies, even modeling the Ultimate version of Nick Fury after Samuel Jackson, and now your going to take it away? No. Hopefully this is just a way for Jackson to make it public that negotiations aren't going as planned and will use the fan backlash as support as others have done in the past.
If you want to know what Ultimate Nick Fury looks like, feast your eyes on the shocking similarity.

The second photo shows Dave Lizewski,AKA Kick-Ass, in a comic shop, the place where he got his inspiration to be a superhero. He's the one in the middle with the fro and big glasses. Up until now I hadn't known what the actor playing him looks like and he fits the geeky character pretty well.

This is Hit-Girl

First line of the review was enough for me. Star Wars Battlefront was a pretty bad game aimed toward a very specific crowd of heavy Star Wars fans. Conquest keeps the "fun" alive with another game with mediocre gameplay surviving off a fan base. Choosing your own class is always a plus but also can only go so far. This title looks like Battlefront with swords and hobbits and while IGN was kind with a 7.0, I don't know if I'd be so generous with a game in a played out and uncreative genre. I'd like to take the lot of these games and boil em' mash em' stick em' in a stew.
And on that note, que the music..
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Deadly Creatures is truly an original idea. What makes this game so original is the fact that the two main characters are a scorpion and a tarantula. WARNING: If you have a serious case of arachnophobia you probably shouldn't watch this trailer. The tittle is in the action-adventure genre, so there are plenty of icky battles with lots of insect goo and tons of little legs flailing everywhere. Deadly Creatures creates a new perspective by making the player see through the many eyes of an insect. The combat will be varied, whether it be fighting other insects, rats, snakes or even the deadliest of them all humans, it all looks really fun. Personally I think this is one of the better tittles on the Wii and its worth a look. It sure is different from all the other lame games Nintendo keeps pumping out of its big vagina. Continue Reading»
Sony's shares plunged Tuesday on reports that the iconic Japanese electronics maker is sinking into its first yearly operating loss in 14 years as sales fizzle for digital cameras, flat-panel TVs and other gadgets. The media reports, coming just weeks after Toyota forecast its first annual operating loss in 70 years, highlight the pain even Japan's premier brands are suffering amid the global slowdown. The nation's top business daily The Nikkei reported Tuesday that Sony was expected to rack up a 100 billion yen ($1.1 billion) operating loss this fiscal year ending March, its first since 1995. Behind the dismal outlook are faltering sales of liquid crystal display TVs and other goods, especially in the key U.S. and European markets, The Nikkei said, adding that operating losses could balloon to as much as 200 billion yen ($2.2 billion). Tokyo-based Sony Corp. declined comment. |
Bug Fixes
Friends notification no longer causes the game to pause. (Playstation 3)
Fixed occasional crashes during loading and waiting.
Friendly or neutral NPC health bars, when taking damage, no longer flicker repeatedly.
Fixed issue where certain NPCs would occasionally disappear from the game.
Fixed issue where dead NPCs would occasionally come back to life.
Fixed rendering issue with the Gatling Laser gun's tracers.
Fixed issue where the haircut menu would occasionally not appear properly.
Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons.
Fixed rare load/save issues that would cause NPCs to behave incorrectly.
Fixed issue where quest objectives would occasionally not update properly due to talking activators,
intercoms and conversations.
Using Radaway from the Pip-Boy's Status Menu repeatedly no longer crashes the game.
Player no longer gets stuck in level up menu if their skills are maxed out.
Fixed issue where multiple followers would occasionally not load into an interior.
Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in VATS mode.
Fixed rare crash with fighting NPCs with corrupted data.
In game radios will now play properly if player was listening to the radio in the Pip-Boy first. (Playstation 3)
Fixed rare crashes while loading and saving games.
Fixed rare issue where player would fall through the floor while in VATS.
Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in the head with a Railway Rifle.
Prevent NPCs from inadvertently dying from falling.
Fixed occasional issue where the controller would stop working properly.
Fixed crashes related to repeatedly equipping and dropping clothing and armor into the world.
Quest Fixes
Fixed several instances where quest item stayed in inventory permanently after completing quests.
Fixed an issue where the distress message would occasionally not play in Trouble on the Homefront.
In The Waters of Life quest, the Citadel gate will open properly if the player fast travels away after exiting the Taft Tunnels but before reaching the Citadel gate with Doctor Li.
For the Home Sweet Home quest, the broken protectrons in Big Town become active at the proper time.
In The American Dream quest, fixed specific issue which prevented the player from accessing their belongings in the locker by the door if they left the room first.
Fixed infinite caps exploit in Strictly Business quest.
Fixed rare instance where Dad would have no valid dialogue during The Waters of Life quest.
Prevent issue during the Finding the Garden of Eden quest where player would fade to black, instead of traveling to Raven Rock, while in combat with a follower.
Fixed several XP speech exploits with certain NPCs.
Fixed XP exploit with a robot in Fort Bannister.
Fixed issue where player's controls can become locked permanently during The American Dream.
Strangely I've never encountered any of these issues. Continue Reading»
1 CoD: World at War
2 Halo 3
3 Gears of War 2
4 Call of Duty 4
5 Left 4 Dead
7 Guitar Hero World Tour
8 FIFA 09
9 Lord of the Rings: Conquest Multiplayer Demo
10 Fallout 3
Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)
1 Castle Crashers
2 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
3 Worms
5 A Kingdom for Keflings
6 Interpol
7 Puzzle Arcade
8 Banjo-Kazooie
9 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
10 Braid
The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Halo 2
2 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
3 Fable
4 Counter-Strike
5 Conker: Live Reloaded
6 Splinter Cell Chaos
7 Doom 3
8 Star Wars: Battlefront
9 Call of Duty 3
10 Burnout 3
Top Community Games NEW! (Full Versions purchased)
1 Air Legends
2 Golden Royal Blackjack
3 Johnny Platform's Biscuit Romp
4 Dr. Popper
5 Word Soup
6 Machiavelli's Ascent
7 Weapon of Choice
8 CarneyVale Showtime
9 Fireplace
10 EZMuze Break and House edition Continue Reading»

The Dark Knight may not be the last Batman movie Christopher Nolan directs. Although there has been rumors saying otherwise, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel for Batman fans. The Dark Knight had left many audiences unsure if Two Face died from the fall at the end of the movie. To help clear things up Aaron Eckhart said in September "He is dead as a door nail. ... He ain't coming back baby." For some that meant maybe the whole Batman 3 is out of the question and there was no hope for trilogy. However it seems Eckhart is rephrasing what he said. While asked the same question by MTV news last Sunday he replied ""I think Harvey -- if he's not dead -- is in a serious coma and I'm not sure he's coming out. They might pull the plug on him." This leads to tons of skepticism and questions; Did they offer Eckhart another role in a new Batman? Why would Eckhart rephrase his statement? Is Batman 3 in production? And is Nolan directing? Hopefully these questions will be answered in due time. Till then I will wait patiently for Nolan's next flick. Continue Reading»
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