Merchants of Brooklyn is a new tittle coming out later this year for the Xbox 360/PS3/PC. You play as a caveman fighter on a rampage. This is no ordinary caveman though because his arm was sawed off via chainsaw. So he does what any caveman would do...He gets a new biomechanical arm to help him get revenge. This new arm will transform into many different weapons and will take out you're opponents in the most brutal way possible. Body parts from you're enemies are also weapons in you're arsenal as you can pick up limbs, charge them, and toss them like grenades. Yes, I know the story sounds ridicules, but I like the art style and the reactions at CES 09 were very good. A trailer will be out very soon and we will see if Merchants of Brooklyn A.K.A Bionic Commando/Flintstones is a good idea.
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