There has been lots of talk about the Sony PSP 2 lately. Rumors are all over the internet with some saying, "It has a touch screen, it's coming out soon, it will have blu-tooth compatibility, It will have a built in hard drive, ETC.". Well the truth is, people are just talking out of their ass because Sony has no idea what anybody is talking about and has denied all of the rumors and speculations on the PSP 2. I must admit even I bought into these rumors, but after reading Sony's reaction to all of this I must admit I feel like an idiot for believing what people say. Sony was pissed and as it turns out they actually made some pretty funny remarks about because apparently IGN had a very "credible source" for all of it's PSP2 information. Here is what Sony had to say on the matter
"Clearly, being a quiet time of year, many, what we thought to be credible websites, are making up stories about PSP2, and how it allows you to teleport across the globe, travel through time, and will be powered by the horns of baby rhinoceroses," Sony explained.
"Hopefully, you can sense a mild tone of sarcasm, which should hopefully indicate how 'on the money' IGN are. Needless to say, we don't comment on rumour or speculation, but this is nonsense." The quote above is taken from and they claim their source is straight from Sony and are currently bashing It is all out website war now. Still I kinda wish IGN was right because these PSP2 concepts are very cool.
Here are some of the rumored PSP2 pictures if you're interested...

Credible SourceMCVUK
Reliable Source
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