New info about Fable 2's upcoming DLC entitled "Knothole Island". I'm gonna try not to spoil anything for those that haven't played the entire story but it may be difficult so stop reading now if you're going to bitch. At one point of the story, someone does something to something you like a lot. If you pick the other two things instead of the one thing at the end, you can't get that thing back and then you can't get certain other things when you continue playing. Get it? How about if i said it's a certain persons best friend? Anyway, some people were a little pissed at that event so if you chose to be either the savior or the dick you can now get your furry companion back. That does take away from the ending of the game a lot though. The reason I made the decision I made was to bring my friend back. He was the reason for my choice. I didn't want to play the rest of the game without him. How they're going to try to implement this without making it a cop out does have me interested though it'll probably just have me dissapointed.
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