I was only going to write a small thing about this in the other article but it turned into a pretty big rant so I thought the topic deserved it's own article. A little thing I heard a while back said the Tom Clancy teams were trying to mesh all the different franchises together into one big story. They've already hinted at it in the Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon games but no definite proof of the series existing in one universe has ever been given. For example, in Ghost Recon you might call down an air strike on a fortified position. In the new series being developed called H.A.W.X, you will actually fly that mission and bomb that target. As cool as it sounds, I'm still up in the air about this one. Playing all the different parts of a war such as the assassin/spy in Splinter Cell, the covert team in Rainbow Six, the full out military team in Ghost Recon, and the fighter pilots in H.A.W.X could make for very interesting story possibilities as in each game you decipher more parts of the puzzle. On the other hand though, any setback, such as the huge delays in the development of the newest Splinter Cell could cripple the story or force every other game to be worse for it. Also, every series is fairly different from each other in game play. While I enjoy all of them, some people may not like stealth games like Splinter Cell or tactical shooters like Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. If they make each game a must play in order to understand the story, it will seem more like a gimick to get money than an actual attempt to make an epic Tom Clancy story. I'd really like to see how other people feel about this so don't be shy about posting your opinions. Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing and what are some benefits of making each game a standalone game or making them all into one cohesive story.
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I think its a cool idea
bad idea. to many thing would have to work togther.
and splinter cell sux
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