Those who dare and talk about video games with me know my strong hatred for Peter Molyneux. I hated fable 2 more then anyone on Planet Earth and weather you liked Fable 2 or not you should educate yourself with this developer and know where you're 60$ went when you bought his shitty game. These are 5 Reasons to Hate Peter Molyneux...
1. Remember all the promises with Fable 1?
Co-op, 30-40 hours of gameplay, The tons of sidequests that would of kept you occupied for days? Yeah I don't remember seeing any of that either. FUCK LYIN' HEAD STUDIOS!
2. How's about that co-op in Fable 2?
How much fun was that? Yeah I had a blast while I was restricted from using my character in my friends game while I watch him kill everything with his awesome character. Didn't he say you would be able to use you're character in you're friends game? Instead you were stuck using a pre-made character who sucked ass. Also everytime the host paused the game you had to wait, do you know how many times you have to pause in fable 2!? I should have known something was up when you couldn't play co-op until you downloaded a patch.
3. The way he sucks Media Molecule's and Sony's dicks.
Hey Pete you make Xbox Exclusives stop sucking on Little Big Planets dick already. If you wanna make exclusives for PS3 go the fuck ahead, leave Xbox and never come back. If not, shut you're mouth, you make Xbox look bad and I hope they disown you're bald ass for it. Some people will say "It's nice to see respect amongst developers" I disagree, especially when they are some of you're biggest competitors. It just sounds like he wants on PS3 too, so he can suck as much money out of Xbox and Sony combined like the money sucking leech that he is.
4. His Aspirations as a developer.
In an interview with Gametrailers Peter said he is looking forward to making a sports game or a driving game, also plans making Fable 3, 4, 5 etc. The mere thought of this individual making more games tortures me. This means he will continue to make games that don't live up to the hype he presents. To me that is worse then making a bad game because that means you are lying to the public and there is nothing worse then a liar. He is notorious for giving gamers false information on his games but yet people still buy them. Some will argue by saying "He says these things are in the game because during development they work but were later taken out of the final game because of complications" Yes I believe that is true but why don't you correct yourself Peter and tell us "Oh yeah that really cool thing I mentioned won't be apearing in the game sorry there were gameplay issues". Don't just let me expect it the whole time and get really pissed off when I don't see it in the game. I urge people to not buy his next game no matter what it is. Peter Molyneux said the 1st Fable would have tons of features that failed to appear in the final product. Fable 2 followed the same pattern, although not as many features were left out in the second production of the game, it still had tons of problems. That's promises broken two times in a row. I think Fable 3 will also come with a huge side of disappointment, because Peter Molyneux is a creature of habit and has not proven otherwise.
5. His Wikipedia definition:
Lauded as one of the world's most brilliant and inventive game developers, Molyneux has nevertheless acquired a reputation for issuing over-enthusiastic descriptions of games under development, which are found to be somewhat less ambitious when released. The most well-known case of this was with the game Fable, released in 2004 without many of the features talked about by Molyneux in press interviews during development. After the release, Molyneux publicly apologized for overhyping the game
That my friends says it all.
I'm sure many will disagree with my hatred for Peter Molyneux but it is my outlook on this individual and I just figure people should know a little more about this British tool bag.
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