The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

Good : Deadly Creatures

Deadly Creatures is truly an original idea. What makes this game so original is the fact that the two main characters are a scorpion and a tarantula. WARNING: If you have a serious case of arachnophobia you probably shouldn't watch this trailer. The tittle is in the action-adventure genre, so there are plenty of icky battles with lots of insect goo and tons of little legs flailing everywhere. Deadly Creatures creates a new perspective by making the player see through the many eyes of an insect. The combat will be varied, whether it be fighting other insects, rats, snakes or even the deadliest of them all humans, it all looks really fun. Personally I think this is one of the better tittles on the Wii and its worth a look. It sure is different from all the other lame games Nintendo keeps pumping out of its big vagina.


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