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Good: New Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six Games This Year

Anyone that knows me knows that I love any game with the name Tom Clancy on it. I've played Ghost Recon since its debut and playing split screen Rainbow Six on the N64 is still one of my favorite gaming experiences. Rainbow Six 3 on the Xbox was the game that got me into competitive online gaming and Ghost Recon:Advanced Warfighter was really the first next generation game of systems out now. While some people may hate them and haven't touched a game in the series since I ripped them so bad five years ago(Dave), I am extremely psyched at the prospect of getting new installments of both franchises by the end of the year. For anyone that hasn't played Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, the story hasn't been completely finished yet and I remember developers originally stating it would be a trilogy. Rainbow Six:Vegas' story on the other hand, seems to have been concluded with 2, so it will probably be a new story all together. All that we need now is for Splinter Cell:Conviction to come out of development hell and we can finally have the big three together again.


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