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Ugly: Timothy Plan List of Most Offensive Games

The Timothy Plan, a company that helps families invest their money only in other companies that adhere to strict Judeo-Christian beliefs, has released its list of the most offensive video games of 2007 and 2008 and boy is it a laugh riot. The Timothy Plan rates the games in everything from demonic and homosexual overtones to violence and comic mischief. Everything from Grand Theft Auto IV to World of Warcraft are rated and criticized in a completely blind and bias fasion. It's worth checking out for a good laugh although I did find myself getting pretty aggravated at the ignorance of these religious fanatics. The games on the list aren't a surprise so much as what they had to say about them. Just to give you a little taste of how the list went, here's an excerpt for their review on Army of Two:

"Gay & Lesbian: Homosexual Themes: Although never spoken of, undertones of homoseuality are present. Weaponry in the game can be decorated to be anything from diamond encrusted to gold plated. You share a parachute with your partner, and the riot shield system allows one player to use a shield or car door as portable cover while the other cuddles up close behind and dispenses "lead' from his "iron".

Pretty ridiculous shit. They seem to find every little thing about a game and give it something that is somehow offensive. I feel like I'm reading an article by Fox news reading this list. I don't know how "lead" and "iron" could be used sexualy but then again maybe I'm just not behind on my knowledge of sexual inuendos. Fuck you Timothy Plan.

Hit the jump for the full list.


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