The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

Ugly: Star Wars Battlefront III, What Could Have Been

My love of Star Wars is well known on GBU so it should come as no surprise that I took the news of Free Radical going under pretty hard. While it was not widely known until recently, Free Radical had been working on the next iteration of the Battlefront series. While it has been a while since the last full fledged sequel came out, I assumed they hadn't been that far into development if the game had been completely trashed. A couple days later a few screen shots came out showing what could have been but plenty of renders are made prior to the production of a game so it wasn't that big of a deal. Then today a video got leaked showing what could have been a truly epic game. Instead of just a few images and character renders, we were treated to a trailer of a game that looked very far along in development. While the video isn't of a very good quality, one can still make out the overall epic feel the developer was going for. My favorite level in the trailer, Coruscant, is simply breathtaking in its scope and vastness. After running along the skyscrapers and seeing the huge world, the player jumps into a starcraft and flys upwards out of the atmosphere and into another battle happening above the planet. The game also seemed to have been focusing very heavily on the single player campaign and story which the other games had been lacking in. Words cannot even describe the disappointment I feel right now. Not even anger. Just disappointment.


Greg Daro said...

Looks really simple, but I guess it woulda been fun if we all played

Kieran Kirk said...

long live CoD's monotonous respawn fest i guess?

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