By: Greg Daro
Dylan Cuthbert is the creator of the original Star Fox for Nintendo he also created Star Fox 2 and Star Fox: Command, which are 3 revolutionary titles and have made there staple in the industry. So when asked to make a new Star Fox for the Nintendo Wii why would Cuthbert say no? To find out click here to
Cuthbert said "It'd be a big project, like 100 people on the staff, it's just not something we really want to do." Cuthbert has also stated that the Wii-Mote control scheme doesn't appeal to him. It quickly becomes apparent that he doesn't like the Nintendo Wii and refuses to develop games for it, he also mocks the Wii by saying "The Wii is a bit more of a toy, I think." This all seems a little sketchy at first, why would a developer refuse to make a game? But after Cuthbert was questioned about Star Fox leaving the cock-pit in games like Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault(games he did not develop) a slight sense of disagreement with Miyamoto's actions comes out. I think that's all Miyamoto. Whenever I speak to Miyamoto about Star Fox, he says it's not meant to be just a flying, sci-fi shooting game. It's meant to be anything we want to think up. But the core fans don't want that, but Miyamoto doesn't really care about that. He wants to make what he wants to make, so he just goes ahead and gets it done.
I agree with Cuthbert's actions I think it takes a lot of balls to do what hes doing. He is dedicated to the hardcore fans, hes not just in it for a quick buck like Miyamoto. Yeah sure we probably won't see another great Star Fox game for a while now but be hopeful as long as there are developers like Cuthbert there will always be games for us hardcore gamers. As for Miyamoto I just hope he doesn't ruin the next Star Fox and put Namco back in the developers seat.
Nintendo without a Starfox game is the same as a dwarf without a beard. Just not right at all. I've always respected Miyamoto but taking creative control away from the creator... thats just incredibly arrogant on his part and highly highly homosexual...
Starfox on foot is retarded. If I wanted to crawl dungeons I would play Zelda. The height of the series to me was Starfox 64 for the N64 I remember loosing many a night sleep to it as a kid and having a blast flying around and blowing up bad guys. Would love to see another true sequel to the game, maybe a full environment flying instead of the mostly Linear paths of the original series. But, looks like another game is a long shot at best. Heres hoping the next Nintendo console focuses more on games than gimmicks.
Well said Bagensie. I do however think leaving the cockpit in Starfox could be cool in small parts where maybe you get shot down or have to enter a base but the developer has to remember that the reason we are playing the game is for the vehicle combat.
In my opinion, a Starfox game for the Wii would naturally have a toy-like effect. This means that Nintendo has three options for the Starfox series, which are: revive the series by appealing to hard-core gamers, revive the series by appealing to newcomers and lovers of the multi-player function, or try to meet everyone in the middle by creating a balance between a game for veterans and a game for newcomers. For me, I think that Nintendo should move towards the game in a manner similar to the way they did with New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Just because I love the idea of playing with friends.
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