Kieran Kirk
The new assassin of Assassin's Creed has just been revealed in a scan of the upcoming
GameInformer and while initial
reports claimed he may be a little on the flamboyant side, I can safely say that this is not even close to truth. The new character, which some sources claim is named "
Ezio" (Italian for eagle, the main motif of the assassins of the game) looks very
similar to Altair but with a few changes that make him fit in with the time period better.
Hit the jump for the full picture.

That's right. That's two blades you see strapped to his wrists instead of just the one that pansy Altair carried. The eagle hood is back as is the overall color scheme, just with extra detail. Whether he is or not,
Ezio dresses in a very noble manner. The half cape over the shoulder, the vibrant reds and the beautiful designs may hint that the assassins of the day are even more highly regarded. Or maybe the designers just thought it looked cool, who knows. What I am happy to see is that the overall feel of Altair is still there. I was afraid that when a new character would be brought in, a completely new design would also be brought in, completely destroying the awesome outfit of the original. I cannot wait for this game to come out. While the first one did have its flaws, the actual prowling and assassinations were top notch. Hopefully they've fixed the smaller missions to make them actually fun and then the series will be the great one it can be.

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