By: Kieran Kirk PETA, AKA The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, AKA hippies, AKA assholes, didn't have a very good experience this Saturday when their supporters logged into World of Warcraft to hold a protest. Hit the jump for the hilarious details.
PETA announced last week they would be sponsoring an in game rally on the Whisperwind server in order to protest the killing of Canadian seals. The plan was to have all of their supporters roll Alliance characters, go over to Northrend and kill any Horde players killing in game seals. Kind of cool idea honestly except for one thing they failed to think about. The ability of people to roll Horde characters. Those Horde players, whether they were people that knew of the hypocrisy of PETA or were simply assholes, hunted down and killed every single treehugging hippie that showed his face on the shores of Northrend. Lead by the "Seal Cub Clubbers Club", Horde players hunted down the PETA supporters like animals, which is actually pretty ironic and even more hilarious. It didn't stop at the killing though. Plenty of players brought Great Feast's and chowed down on top of both the corpses of dead PETA members and seals. Some of you may have noticed the pure hatred I hold for PETA. Believe me I am for the protection of animals as I am an animal lover myself but it is the tactics and lies PETA uses that I can not stand. I feel anyone who sponsors the banning of seeing eye dogs for the blind and the firebombing of laboratories while still using medicines derived from animal testing should be drawn and quartered. I'm posting a few videos below to show my reasoning behind my hatred and don't worry they aren't boring they are actually pretty funny as it's a show by Penn and Teller called "Bullshit". Anyway, I'm really happy to see this happen and I'm going to try to find some pictures of the event that I can post up here. Lok' Tar!
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World of Warcraft
John Bagensie
I could right a freakin' essay on why I hate PETA. But you hit the nail on the head Kirk. And this once again proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt that PETA sucks. And Horde owns... LOK TAR OGAR! VICTORY OR DEATH!
I could right a freakin' essay on why I hate PETA. But you hit the nail on the head Kirk. And this once again proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt that PETA sucks. And Horde owns... LOK TAR OGAR! VICTORY OR DEATH!
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