By:Greg Daro
Yes Onlive again. Refuse to accept it if you want but Onlive is the future whether you like it or not. After it's showing at GDC 09 it has startled the video game industry and has led to some skepticism about what the future holds for gaming. Will it truly change the game business or is it just another gimmick that doesn't work? Gametrailers had a huge discussion about the topic but the video is too big so click the jump to watch. Its a very interesting video and I cant stress enough how important this conversation is to gamers like me. They discuss Onlive - how it could affect the outcome of a Ps4 or Xbox 720, the recessions affect on video games, the war on used games, and even the future of purchasing games whether it be all digital or compact disc. The discussion really informs you on the situation going on with today's gaming world and it is one you shouldn't miss. So inform yourself an click the jump for more.
Make sure to full-screen this.
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