UPDATE - Game is scheduled for release on June 29th!
Yes, it's true. It was re-rated by the ESRB ages ago, the MVC2 fight sticks were added and then removed from a retailer, and the www.tu4ar.com teaser was a dead-giveaway, but it's finally been confirmed. You'll be able to get your grubby little hands on MVC2 for $15 on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network, and is based on the Dreamcast code.
Why should I care, you ask? Well, shortly after the release of MVC2, Capcom lost the rights from Marvel and thus the printing of the game ran short, forcing prices of the game to skyrocket to upwards of $80-$100.
Other than being a staple of the tournament fighting scene (and a pretty fun game to boot), you and your friends will finally be able to have definitive evidence of who would win in a fight - Ryu or Iron Man? Spiderman or Chun Li? Doctor Doom or M. Bison?! Oh, the possibilities!
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