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Funny: Gears of War 2 Cowboy Hats

Two videos are came out today of a hidden unlockable in Gears of War 2's single player. I think it's pretty cool that the games been out for two months and people are just finding this out now when in most games people find all the little easter eggs in about a week. Makes me wonder if Epic has any other little surprises in store for us. When riding the derrick, three cowboy hats are hidden around the trail and after shooting them, everyone in the game will wear one. The first video is where the locations are and how to find the hats.

And I don't want to spoil the second one. Just watch it and enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Wow When I play insane I will try this out. This is just too good. There has to be more easter eggs after the two that I saw. The toaster and the dizzy hat easter eggs.

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