For those of you who haven't heard, Shawn Elliott, former 1up Editor and GFW Magazine writer and podcaster has gotten together with a couple of gaming's biggest names in games journalism for a symposium.
These names include, Elliott himself, now a 2K Boston employee, Jeff Green, former GFW Magazine Editor-In-Chief turned EA employee, Stephen Totillo of the MTV Multiplayer Blog, N'Gai Croal of Newsweek's Level-Up Blog, and Kieron Gillen from RockPaperShotgun - just to name a few.
The symposium will basically cover a bunch of topics relevant to the games journalism world, such as Review Scores, Reader Blacklash, Reviews in the age of Social Media and Mainstream Median, and Reviews vs. Criticism - and each journalist will share their feelings on said topic.
This first part, Review Scores, can be read on Shawn Elliott's blog (, and although it is kind of lengthy it's definitely worth checking out.
long time no see
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