Yeah kids are killing parents nowadays and yes it's disgusting. This case in particular makes me sick to my stomach. This little punk shot his parents because he was forbidden to buy and play Halo 3, this led to long arguments with the family until one night the teen had enough and needed to have Halo 3. With intent of killing both of his parents the 16 year old psycho (Daniel Petric) snuck out, bought halo 3, and put it in his lockbox, which also contained a 9mm handgun. On October 20th, 2007 Daniel Petric took the 9mm Handgun to the family room and said "Would you guys close your eyes?" "I have a surprise for you" It was then Daniel Petric shot both of his parents in the head, His mother died instantly. His father (Mark Petric) survived due to the untimely arrival of his daughter and her husband, who had come over to watch the Cleavland Indians game. According to Daniel Petric's lawyer, Daniel had been under a lot of stress due to a snowboarding accident and had nothing to do but watch television and play video games. This apparently is enough motive for a person to kill their parents... Honestly that sounds like the life to me, TV and Video Games all day? How does that stress you out? People like Daniel Petric disgust me. In my eyes he was a spoiled brat who couldn't get his way and somebody died for it. He should be locked up and the key should be thrown away. I believe he knew what he was doing and he should definitely be punished for it. Durring court Daniel Petric said to his father "Dad I'm sorry for what I did to mom, to you and the family. I'm so glad your alive". Apparently that's enough for a man whose wife had just been killed because all Mark Petric said was "You're my son, You're my boy" which sound like words of forgiveness to me. Now honestly you can say this is a case of bad parenting, you can blame it on the video games, but honestly I just think the kid is plain psycho, I mean just look at him he looks like a mentally unstable person. This however is a tragedy and should never have happend in the first place. Daniel Petric plead not guilty in a court of law and hopefully he will be tried as an adult and locked up for the rest of his pathetic excuse for a life. Hey kid there's no Halo 3 in jail, sucks for you.
"double kill"
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