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Good: How To Get Resident Evil 5 Demo

Resident Evil 5 demo released on the Japanese marketplace yesterday, though if you don't have a Japanese account the demo hasn't released on American marketplace. But if you really want to partake here's how to get it.

Option A:
Download the Demo
  1. 1) Go Here, Download all 5 parts.
  2. 2) Unzip the main content folder
  3. 3) Burn the folder
  4. 4) Play
Option B:
Create a Japanese Account
  1. Go here:
  2. Sign up a new account, Click
    "No, sign me up for a free MSN Hotmail e-mail address"
  3. Pick JAPAN for your country
    Pick Tokyo-to as your Prefecture
    150-2345 for your zipcode
  4. Keep going, and then have it set you up with a address.
  5. Go to your 360, and create a new profile. Log in using your hotmail address on your 360, and it should set it to Japan.
  6. If this is less than your 4th trial account you get gold free, so select yes when it asks you.


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