The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

And Everything Else In Between

O.K: Killzone 2 Gameplay

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Cometary by, Dave Clayman and Jeffrey Haynes of the IGN team.

The main questions are Will I finally dust off my PS3? Or will Killzone 2 flop just like it's predecessor? Well the game looks great, some of the most impressive graphics I've ever seen. The problem is while watching this video that's all that impressed me. It looks like you're basic first person shooter honestly. I feel like the developer is trying to make it seem like they are inventing all these new ideas but the problem is they've all been done before and nothing looks really amazing or revolutionary which is what I thought they were going to do. A couple of things bothered me while watching these and i will point them out so here we go.

Greg Daro's Problems With These Videos:
In part one They implement use of the Sixaxis controller by means of turning a valve oohhhh woooow excitement rushing through my arms as I turn my controller to open a door, whatever PS3 we all know Sixaxis sucks so stop using it. The next problem I had with video one was understanding why they stop him and ask him to fire upon a wall to show off the light that the gun gives while being shot. Haven't we seen that in almost every single FPS, why would they even stop for that!? I just don't get it yet... Also anyone else notice those grenades!? For some reason they just seem weird and underthrown, it looks like my grandmother could throw a grenade farther then this guy. The pain and anguish goes on as you watch part two. Killzone 2 introduces a new enemy; "The Heavy". They bring him out like his some crazy new invention to the gaming world and no one has ever used it before. Too bad anyone who played Army Of Two knows this idea is all to familiar; Bring out a enemy who is heavily armored in the front and has one weak spot, a button on his back. (Honestly how can you miss that huge bright button.. it may as well say SHOOT ME on it) It is also clear to me that "The Heavy" will take way to long to kill as you can see them pumping round after round into his stupid "shoot me button" an he just keeps coming back for more. At one point they say this before you even see the Heavy die. "Ok cool...So we saw the heavy in action...Wanna jump ahead?" I mean does it really take that long that you couldn't even have enough time to show us how the dumb thing dies? At this point my elbows were on my desk an I was holding my head up with my hands because I was tired of watching this. Oh boy time for Part 3. Now part three is just boring and I almost stopped watching at this point because I was so disappointed. You notice right away the situation is familiar, the character and his squad held up and forced to hold a position while wave upon wave of enemy assault on you're position, Yes there's a chain gun....So yeah your mowing down enemy's on a chain gun wow fun oh no don't shoot to much you're chain gun will overheat, yeah been there sigh..... At one point they say this will be like one of those great Call Of Duty moments. Yes exactly what i'm not looking for. The video ends with him getting beat down by the AI and me releaved knowing it was finally over. The point is this game looks like every other FPS out there. Now this doesn't make Killzone 2 a bad game by any means, it just means it's not gonna be anything special. Now I have read on the multiplayer and that does sound very fun but until I see some gameplay I am not completely sold for Killzone 2. Until I see something that makes my heart race and eyes pop out of my head my PS3 will forever remain the ultimate Blue Ray player..Till then this is a very pissed off Greg Daro signing off.


Anonymous said...

looks like a cool game to me

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